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Computational Research in Molecular Chemistry
Principal Investigator Current Members Alumni

Principal Investigator

Ph.D., Chemical Physics, Harvard University
Distinguished Professor of the Graduate Division
Distinguished Research Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Distinguished Research Professor of Pharmacology
University of California at San Diego
Fellow, San Diego Supercomputer Center

Biographical Sketch | Autobiographical Sketch

Revelle Medal Recipient 2022 - UCSD’s highest honor for faculty members - (YouTube Presentation)

Smithsonian interview upon receiving the Cray Research Information Technology Leadership Award
J.A. McCammon, Scientific Genealogy
Videos of Some Recent Lectures:
"Molecular Dynamics and Drug Discovery,"
27 May 2015, Nobel Symposium at Chalmers University, Sweden,
"Computer-aided Drug Design,"
29 Oct 2014, Institute for Advanced Study, Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology
"Gated diffusional binding of ligands to proteins,"
2 November 2010, La Jolla-Heidelberg VTC
"Gated diffusional binding of ligands to proteins,"
2 November 2010, La Jolla-Heidelberg VTC
"Continuum Models for Electrostatics and Diffusion,"
7 August 2006, National Biomedical Computation Resource
"Computational Science and Drug Discovery,"
27 June 2006, San Diego Supercomputer Center
"Integrated Computational Biology -- From the Molecule to the Cell,"
24 November 2004, Worldwide Universities Network
"Principles of Continuum Electrostatics,"
24 August 2004, Center for Theoretical Biological Physics
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