A nonlinear elasticity model of macromolecular conformational change induced by electrostatic forcesY.C. Zhou, Michael Holst and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 340, Issue 1, pp. 135-164 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 19461946]In this paper we propose a nonlinear elasticity model of macromolecular
conformational change (deformation) induced by electrostatic forces
generated by an implicit solvation model. The Poisson-Boltzmann equation
for the electrostatic potential is analyzed in a domain varying with the
elastic deformation of molecules, and a new continuous model of the
electrostatic forces is developed to ensure solvability of the nonlinear
elasticity equations. We derive the estimates of electrostatic forces
corresponding to four types of perturbations to an electrostatic
potential field, and establish the existance of an equilibrium
configuration using a fixed-point argument, under the assumption that
the change in the ionic strength and charges due to the additional
molecules causing the deformation are sufficiently small.The results are
valid for elastic models with arbitrarily complex dielectric interfaces
and cavities, and can be generalized to large elastic deformation caused
by high ionic strength, large charges, and strong external fields by
using continuation methods.
Springs and Speeds in Free Energy Reconstruction from Irreversible Single-Molecule Pulling ExperimentsDavid D.L. Minh and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 112, No. 19, pp. 5892-5897 (2008, A. Szabo festschrift) [PubMed PubMed: 18088108]The nonequilibrium work relation allows for the calculation of
equilibrium free energy differences between states based on the
exponential average of accumulated work from irreversible transitions.
Here, we compare two distinct approaches of calculating free energy
surfaces from unidirectional singlemolecule pulling experiments: the
stiff spring approximation and the Hummer-Szabo method. First, we
perform steered molecular dynamics simulations to mechanically stretch
the model peptide deca-alanine using harmonic potentials with different
spring stiffnesses and at various constant pulling velocities. We then
calculate free energy surfaces based on the two methods and their
variants, including the first and second cumulant expansion of the
exponentially weighted work and the Gaussian position approximation for
the delta function in Hummer and Szabo's expression. We find that with
large harmonic force constants, the second cumulant expansion in
conjunction with either the stiff spring approximation or the
Hummer-Szabo method perform well. When interpreting dynamic force
spectroscopy (pullings at different speeds), the second cumulant
expansion of the stiff spring approximation performs the best when
pulling velocities are similar, but variants of the Hummer-Szabo perform
the best when they are spread over a large spectrum. While these
conclusion are not definitive for all systems, the insights should prove
useful for scientists interpreting nonequilibrium pulling experiments.
Continuum Simulations of Acetylcholine Consumption by Acetylcholinesterase: A Poisson-Nernst-Planck ApproachY.C. Zhou, Benzhuo Lu, Gary A. Huber, Michael J. Holst and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 112, No. 2, pp. 270-275 (2008, Casey Hynes festschrift) [PubMed PubMed: 18052268]The Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equation provides a continuum
description of electrostatic-driven diffusion and is used here to model
the diffusion and reaction of acetylcholine (ACh) with
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzymes. This study focuses on the effects
of ion and substrate concentrations on the reaction rate and rate
coefficient. To this end, the PNP equations are numerically solved with
a hybrid finite element and boundary element method at a wide range of
ion and substrate concentrations, and the results are compared with the
partially coupled Smoluchowski-Poisson-Boltzmann model. The reaction
rate is found to depend strongly on the concentrations of both the
substrate and ions; this is explained by the competition between the
intersubstrate repulsion and the ionic screening effects. The reaction
rate coefficient is independent of the substrate concentration only at
very high ion concentrations, whereas at low ion concentrations the
behavior of the rate depends strongly on the substrate concentration.
Moreover, at physiological ion concentrations, variations in substrate
concentration significantly affect the transient behavior of the
reaction. Our results offer a reliable estimate of reaction rates at
various conditions and imply that the concentrations of charged
substrates must be coupled with the electrostatic computation to provide
a more realistic description of neurotransmission and other
electrodiffusion and reaction processes.
Dynamics of the Acetylcholinesterase TetramerAlemayehu A. Gorfe, Chia-en A. Chang, Ivaylo Ivanov and J. Andrew McCammonBiophysical Journal, Vol. 94, Issue 4, pp. 1144-1154 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 17921202]Acetylcholinesterase rapidly hydrolyzes the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine in cholinergic synapses, including the neuromuscular
junction. The tetramer is the most important functional form of the
enzyme. Two low-resolution crystal structures have been solved. One is
compact with two of its four peripheral anionic sites (PAS) sterically
blocked by complementary subunits. The other is a loose tetramer with
all four subunits accessible to solvent. These structures lacked the
C-terminal amphipathic t-peptide (WAT domain) that interacts with the
proline-rich attachment domain (PRAD). A complete tetramer model (AChEt)
was built based on the structure of the PRAD/WAT complex and the compact
tetramer. Normal mode analysis suggested that AChEt could exist in
multiple conformations with subunits fluctuating relative to one
another. Here, a multiscale simulation involving all-atom molecular
dynamics and Cbeta-based coarse-grained Brownian dynamics simulations
was carried out to investigate the large scale inter-subunit dynamics in
AChEt. We sampled the ns-micros time scale motions and found that the
tetramer indeed constitutes a dynamic assembly of monomers. The
inter-subunit fluctuation is correlated with the occlusion of the PAS.
Such motions of the subunits "gate" ligand-protein association. The
gates are open more than 80% of the time on average, which suggests a
small reduction of ligand-protein binding. Despite the limitations in
the starting model and approximations inherent in coarse graining, these
results are consistent with experiments which suggest that binding of a
substrate to the PAS is only somewhat hindered by the association of the
Computing accurate potentials of mean force in electrolyte solutions with the generalized gradient-augmented harmonic Fourier beads methodIlja V. Khavrutskii, Joachim Dzubiella and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 128, Issue 4, article 044106, 13 pages (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18247929]We establish the accuracy of the novel generalized gradient-augmented
Harmonic Fourier Beads (ggaHFB) method in computing free-energy profiles
or potentials of mean force (PMFs) through comparison with two
independent conventional techniques. In particular, we employ umbrella
sampling with 1D weighted histogram analysis method (WHAM) and free
molecular dynamics simulation of radial distribution functions to
compute the PMF for the Na
- ion pair
separation to 16 Å in 1.0 M NaCl solution in water. The
corresponding ggaHFB free-energy profile in 6D Cartesian space is in
excellent agreement with the conventional benchmarks. We then explore
changes in the PMF in response to lowering the NaCl concentration to
physiological 0.3 and 0.1 M, and dilute 0.0 M concentrations. Finally,
to expand the scope of the ggaHFB method, we formally develop the
free-energy gradient approximation in arbitrary nonlinear coordinates.
This formal development underscores the importance of the logarithmic
Jacobian correction to reconstruct true PMFs from umbrella sampling
simulations with either WHAM or ggaHFB techniques when nonlinear
coordinate restraints are used with Cartesian propagators. The ability
to employ nonlinear coordinates and high accuracy of the computed
free-energy profiles further advocate the use of the ggaHFB method in
studies of rare events in complex systems.
Molecular surface-free continuum model for electrodiffusion processesBenzhuo Lu and J. Andrew McCammonChemical Physics Letters, Vol. 451, Issues 4-6, pp. 282-286 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 19461944]Incorporation of van der Waals interactions enables the continuum model
of electrodiffusion in biomolecular system to avoid the artifacts of
introducing a molecular surface and the painful task of the surface mesh
generation. Calculation examples show that the electrostatics,
diffusion-reaction kinetics, and molecular surface defined as an
isosurface of a certain density distribution can be extracted from the
solution of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations using this model. The
molecular surface-free model enables a wider usage of some modern
numerical methodologies such as finite element methods for biomolecular
modeling, and sheds light on a new paradigm of continuum modeling for
biomolecular systems.
An Improved Relaxed Complex Scheme for Receptor Flexibility in Computer-Aided Drug DesignRommie E. Amaro, Riccardo Baron and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 693-705 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18196463]The interactions among associating (macro) molecules are dynamic, which
adds to the complexity of molecular recognition. While ligand
flexibility is well accounted for in computational drug design, the
effective inclusion of receptor flexibility remains an important
challenge. The relaxed complex scheme (RCS) is a promising computational
methodology that combines the advantages of docking algorithms with
dynamic structural information provided by molecular dynamics (MD)
simulations, therefore explicitly accounting for the flexibility of both
the receptor and the docked ligands. Here, we briefly review the RCS and
discuss new extensions and improvements of this methodology in the
context of ligand binding to two example targets: kinetoplastid RNA
editing ligase 1 and the W191G cavity mutant of cytochrome c peroxidase.
The RCS improvements include its extension to virtual screening, more
rigorous characterization of local and global binding effects, and
methods to improve its computational efficiency by reducing the receptor
ensemble to a representative set of configurations. The choice of
receptor ensemble, its influence on the predictive power of RCS, and the
current limitations for an accurate treatment of the solvent
contributions are also briefly discussed. Finally, we outline potential
methodological improvements that we anticipate will assist future
Novel Druggable Hot Spots in Avian Influenza Neuraminidase H5N1 Revealed by Computational Solvent Mapping of a Reduced and Representative Receptor EnsembleMelissa R. Landon, Rommie E. Amaro, Riccardo Baron, Chi Ho Ngan, David Ozonoff, J. Andrew McCammon and Sandor VajdaChemical Biology & Drug Design, Vol. 71, Issue 2, pp. 106-116 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18205727]The influenza virus subtype H5N1 has raised concerns of a possible human
pandemic threat because of its high virulence and mutation rate.
Although several approved anti-influenza drugs effectively target the
neuraminidase, some strains have already acquired resistance to the
currently available anti-influenza drugs. In this study, we present the
synergistic application of extended explicit solvent molecular dynamics
(MD) and computational solvent mapping (CS-Map) to identify putative
“hot spots” within flexible binding regions of N1
neuraminidase. Using representative conformations of the N1 binding
region extracted from a clustering analysis of four concatenated 40-ns
MD simulations, CS-Map was utilized to assess the ability of small,
solvent-sized molecules to bind within close proximity to the sialic
acid binding region. Mapping analyses of the dominant MD conformations
reveal the presence of additional hot spot regions in the 150- and
430-loop regions. Our hot spot analysis provides further support for the
feasibility of developing high-affinity inhibitors capable of binding
these regions, which appear to be unique to the N1 strain.
Electrostatic Free Energy and its Variations in Implicit Solvent ModelsJianwei Che, Joachim Dzubiella, Bo Li and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 112, Issue 10, pp. 3058-3069 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18275182]A mean-field approach to the electrostatics for solutes in electrolyte
solution is revisited and rigorously justified. In this approach, an
electrostatic free energy functional is constructed that depends solely
on the local ionic concentrations. The unique set of such concentrations
that minimize this free energy are given by the usual Boltzmann
distributions through the electrostatic potential which is determined by
the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. This approach is then applied to the
variational implicit solvent description of the solvation of molecules
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.087802" target="_blank"
class="ref">Dzubiella, Swanson, McCammon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006, 96,
087802; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2171192" target="_blank"
class="ref">J. Chem. Phys. 2006, 124, 084905. Care is taken for the
singularities of the potential generated by the solute point charges.
The variation of the electrostatic free energy with respect to the
location change of solute-solvent interfaces, that is, dielectric
boundaries, is derived. Such a variation gives rise to the normal
component of the effective surface force per unit surface area that is
shown to be attractive to the fixed point charges in the solutes. Two
examples of applications are given to validate the analytical results.
The first one is a one-dimensional model system resembling, for example,
a charged solute or cavity in a one-dimensional channel. The second one,
which is of its own interest, is the electrostatic free energy of a
charged sphercal solute immersed in an ionic solution. An analytical
formula is derived for the Debye-Hückel approximation of the free
energy, extending the classical Born's formula to one that includes
ionic concentrations. Variations of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann free
energy are also obtained.
Control of cation permeation through the nicotinic receptor channelHai-Long Wang, Xiaolin Cheng, Palmer Taylor, J. Andrew McCammon and Steven M. SinePLoS Computational Biology, Vol. 4, Issue 2, article e41, 9 pages (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18282090]We used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to explore the transport of
single cations through the channel of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor (nAChR). Four MD simulations of 16 ns were performed at
physiological and hyperpolarized membrane potentials, with and without
restraints of the structure, but all without bound agonist. With the
structure unrestrained and a potential of -100 mV, one cation traversed
the channel during a transient period of channel hydration; at -200 mV,
two cations traversed the channel while the channel was continuously
hydrated. With the structure restrained, however, no cations traverse at
either membrane potential, even though the channel was continuously
hydrated. The overall results show that cation selective transport
through nAChR channel is governed by electrostatics interactions to
achieve charge selectivity, but relies on trans-membrane potential,
channel hydration and protein dynamics to enable ion passage.
Recent Progress in Numerical Methods for the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation in Biophysical ApplicationsB.Z. Lu, Y.C. Zhou, M.J. Holst and J.A. McCammonCommunications in Computational Physics, Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp. 973-1009 (2008)
the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for applications in chemistry and
biophysics. Recent developments in boundary element methods, interface
methods, adaptive methods, finite element methods, and other approaches
for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation as well as related mesh generation
techniques are reviewed. We also discussed the challenging problems and
possible future work, in particular, for the aim of biophysical
A novel switch region regulates H-ras membrane orientation and signal outputDaniel Abankwa, Michael Hanzal-Bayer, Nicolas Ariotti, Sarah J. Plowman, Alemayehu A. Gorfe, Robert G. Parton, J. Andrew McCammon and John F. HancockEMBO Journal, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 727-735 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18273062]The plasma membrane nanoscale distribution of H-ras is regulated by
guanine nucleotide binding. To explore the structural basis of H-ras
membrane organization, we combined molecular dynamic simulations and
medium-throughput FRET measurements on live cells. We extracted a set of
FRET values, termed a FRET vector, to describe the lateral segregation
and orientation of H-ras with respect to a large set of nanodomain
markers. We show that mutation of basic residues in helix α4 or
the hypervariable region (HVR) selectively alter the FRET vectors of
GTP- or GDP-loaded H-ras, demonstrating a critical role for these
residues in stabilizing GTP- or GDP-H-ras interactions with the plasma
membrane. By a similar analysis, we find that the β2-β3 loop
and helix α5 are involved in a novel conformational switch that
operates through helix α4 and the HVR to reorient the H-ras
G-domain with respect to the plasma membrane. Perturbation of these
switch elements enhances MAPK activation by stabilizing GTP-H-ras in a
more productive signalling conformation. The results illustrate how the
plasma membrane spatially constrains signalling conformations by acting
as a semi-neutral interaction partner.
Inhibition of Cathepsin B by Au(I) Complexes: A Kinetic and Computational StudyShamila S. Gunatilleke, Cesar Augusto F. de Oliveira, J. Andrew McCammon and Amy M. BarriosJournal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 555-561 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18253767]Gold(I) compounds have been used in the treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis for over 80 years, but the biological targets and the
structure-activity relationships of these drugs are not well understood.
Of particular interest is the molecular mechanism behind the
antiarthritic activity of the orally available drug
gold(I) (auranofin, Ridaura). The cathepsin family of lysosomal,
cysteine-dependent enzymes is an attractive biological target of Au(I)
and is inhibited by auranofin and auranofin analogs with reasonable
potency. Here we employ a combination of experimental and computational
investigations into the effect of changes in the phosphine ligand of
auranofin on its in vitro inhibition of cathepsin B. Sequential
replacement of the ethyl substituents of triethylphosphine by phenyl
groups leads to increasing potency in the resultant Au(I) complexes, due
in large part to favorable interactions of the more sterically bulky
3 fragments with the enzyme active site.
Feature-Preserving Adaptive Mesh Generation for Molecular Shape Modeling and SimulationZeyun Yu, Michael J. Holst, Yuhui Cheng and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Vol. 26, Issue 8, pp. 1370-1380 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18337134]We describe a chain of algorithms for molecular surface and volumetric
mesh generation. We take as inputs the centers and radii of all atoms of
a molecule and the toolchain outputs both triangular and tetrahedral
meshes that can be used for molecular shape modeling and simulation.
Experiments on a number of molecules are demonstrated, showing that our
methods possess several desirable properties: feature-preservation,
local adaptivity, high quality, and smoothness (for surface meshes). We
also demonstrate an example of molecular simulation using the finite
element method and the meshes generated by our method. The approaches
presented and their implementations are also applicable to other types
of inputs such as 3D scalar volumes and triangular surface meshes with
low quality, and hence can be used for generation/improvment of meshes
in a broad range of applications.
Catalytically Requisite Conformational Dynamics in the mRNA-Capping Enzyme Probed by Targeted Molecular DynamicsRobert V. Swift and J. Andrew McCammonBiochemistry, Vol. 47, No. 13, pp. 4102-4111 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18330997]The addition of a N7-methyl guanosine cap to the 5' end of nascent mRNA
is carried out by the mRNA-capping enzyme, a two-domain protein that is
a member of the nucleotidyltransferase superfamily. The mRNA-capping
enzyme is composed of a catalytic nucleotidyltransferase domain and a
noncatalytic oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding (OB) domain.
Large-scale domain motion triggered by substrate binding mediates
catalytically requisite conformational rearrangement of the GTP
substrate prior to the chemical step. In this study, we employ targeted
molecular dynamics (TMD) on the PBCV-1 capping enzyme to probe the
global domain dynamics and internal dynamics of conserved residues
during the conformational transformation from the open to the closed
state. Analysis of the resulting trajectories along with structural and
sequence homology to other members of the superfamily allows us to
suggest a conserved mechanism of conformational rearrangements spanning
all mRNA-capping enzymes and all ATP-dependent DNA ligases. Our results
suggest that the OB domain moves quasi-statically toward the
nucleotidyltransferase domain, pivoting about a short linker region. The
approach of the OB domain brings a conserved RxDK sequence, an element
of conserved motif VI, within proximity of the triphosphate of GTP,
destabilizing the unreactive conformation and thereby allowing thermal
fluctuations to partition the substrate toward the catalytically
competent state.
(Thermo)dynamic role of receptor flexibility, entropy, and motional correlation in protein-ligand bindingRiccardo Baron and J. Andrew McCammonChemPhysChem, Vol. 9, Issue 7, pp. 983-988 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18418822]The binding of 2-amino-5-methylthiazole to the W191G cavity mutant of
cytochrome c peroxidase is an ideal test case to investigate the
entropic contribution to the binding free energy due to changes of
receptor flexibility. The dynamic and thermodynamic role of receptor
flexibility were studied by 50-ns long explicit-solvent molecular
dynamics simulations of three separate receptor ensembles: W191G binding
a K+ ion, W191G-2a5mt complex with a closed 190-195 gating loop, and apo
with an open loop. We employ a method recently proposed to estimate
accurate absolute single-molecule configurational entropies and their
differences for systems undergoing conformational transitions. We find
that receptor flexibility plays a generally-underestimated role in
protein-ligand binding (thermo)dynamics and that changes of receptor
motional correlation determine such large entropy contributions.
Mapping the nucleotide and isoform dependent structural and dynamical features of Ras proteinsAlemayehu A. Gorfe, Barry J. Grant and J. Andrew McCammonStructure, Vol. 16, Issue 6, pp. 885-896 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18547521]Ras GTPases are conformational switches controlling cell proliferation,
differentiation and development. Despite their prominent role in many
forms of cancer, the mechanism of conformational transition between
inactive GDP- and active GTP-bound states remains unclear. Here we
describe a detailed analysis of available experimental structures and
molecular dynamics simulations to quantitatively assess the structural
and dynamical features of active and inactive states and their
interconversion. We demonstrate that GTP-bound and nucleotide-free G12V
H-ras sample a wide region of conformational space, and show that the
inactive to active transition is a multiphase process defined by the
relative rearrangement of the two switches and the orientation of Tyr32.
We also modeled and simulated N- and K-ras proteins and found that K-ras
is more flexible than N- and H-ras. We identified a number of
isoform-specific long-range side chain interactions that define unique
pathways of communication between the nucleotide binding site and the
Intrinsic Conformational Flexibility of AcetylcholinesteraseJennifer M. Bui and J. Andrew McCammonChemico-Biological Interactions, Vol. 175, Issues 1-3, pp. 303-304 (2008) [PubMed Proteins have been metaphorically described – due to the introduction and extraordinary advances in biomolecular dynamics and computational biophysics over the past decades – as "kicking and screaming" molecules http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1136898" class="ref]G. Weber, Adv. Protein Chem. 29 (1975) 1-83. In fact, dynamic fluctuations in protein structural conformation have been known to play an important role in protein function. However, fundamental mechanisms by which protein fluctuations couple with catalytic function of particular enzymes remain poorly understood. To understand the dynamical properties of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in rapid termination of cationic neurotransmitter, acetylcholine at neurosynaptic junctions, multiple molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories of AChE in the presence and absence of its inhibitors http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0605355103" class="ref
J.M. Bui, J.A. McCammon, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103 (2006) 15451-15456; http://dx.doi.org/10.1529/biophysj.105.075564" class="ref
J.M. Bui, Z. Radi&
J.M. Bui, K. Tai, J.A. McCammon, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126 (2004) 7198-7205; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0006-3495(03)74651-7" class="ref
J.M. Bui, R.H. Henchman, J.A. McCammon, Biophys. J. 85 (2003) 2267-2272 have been conducted and correlated with its inhibitory mechanisms. The intrinsic flexibilities of AChE, particularly of the long omega loop, are important in facilitating the ligand's inhibition of the enzyme.
Entropic contributions and the influence of the hydrophobic environment in promiscuous protein-protein associationChia-en A. Chang, William A. McLaughlin, Riccardo Baron, Wei Wang and J. Andrew McCammonProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Vol. 105, No. 21, pp. 7456-7461 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18495919]The mechanisms by which a promiscuous protein can strongly interact with
several different proteins using the same binding interface are not
completely understood. An example is protein kinase A (PKA), which uses
a single face on its docking/dimerization domain to interact with
multiple A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAP) that localize it to
different parts of the cell. In the current study, the configurational
entropy contributions to the binding between the AKAP protein HT31 with
the D/D domain of RII α-regulatory subunit of PKA were examined.
The results show that the majority of configurational entropy loss for
the interaction was due to decreased fluctuations within rotamer states
of the side chains. The result is in contrast to the widely held
approximation that the decrease in the number of rotamer states
available to the side chains forms the major component. Further analysis
showed that there was a direct linear relationship between total
configurational entropy and the number of favorable, alternative
contacts available within hydrophobic environments. The hydrophobic
binding pocket of the D/D domain provides alternative contact points for
the side chains of AKAP peptides that allow them to adopt different
binding conformations. The increase in binding conformations provides an
increase in binding entropy and hence binding affinity. We infer that a
general strategy for a promiscuous protein is to provide alternative
contact points at its interface to increase binding affinity while the
plasticity required for binding to multiple partners is retained.
Implications are discussed for understanding and treating diseases in
which promiscuous protein interactions are used.
High-fidelity geometric modeling for biomedical applicationsZeyun Yu, Michael J. Holst and J. Andrew McCammonFinite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 44, Issue 11, pp. 715-723 (2008)
modeling and mesh generation. Although our methods and implementations
are application-neutral, our primary target application is multiscale
biomedical models that range in scales across the molecular, cellular,
and organ levels. Our software toolchain implementing these algorithms
is general in the sense that it can take as input a molecule in PDB/PQR
forms, a 3D scalar volume, or a user-defined triangular surface mesh
that may have very low quality. The main goal of our work presented is
to generate high quality and smooth surface triangulations from the
aforementioned inputs, and to reduce the mesh sizes by mesh coarsening.
Tetrahedral meshes are also generated for finite element analysis in
biomedical applications. Experiments on a number of bio-structures are
demonstrated, showing that our approach possesses several desirable
properties: feature-preservation, local adaptivity, high quality, and
smoothness (for surface meshes). The availability of this software
toolchain will give researchers in computational biomedicine and other
modeling areas access to higher-fidelity geometric models.
Ensemble-based Virtual Screening Reveals Potential Novel Antiviral Compounds for Avian Influenza NeuraminidaseLily S. Cheng, Rommie E. Amaro, Dong Xu, Wilfred W. Li, Peter W. Arzberger and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 51, No. 13, pp. 3878-3894 (2008) [PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18558668]PubMed: 18558668
Avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 is a potential pandemic threat with
human-adapted strains resistant to antiviral drugs. Although virtual
screening (VS) against a crystal or relaxed receptor structure is an
established method to identify potential inhibitors, the more dynamic
changes within binding sites are neglected. To accommodate full receptor
flexibility, we use AutoDock4 to screen the NCI diversity set against
representative receptor ensembles extracted from explicitly solvated
molecular dynamics simulations of the neuraminidase system. The top hits
are redocked to the entire nonredundant receptor ensemble and rescored
using the relaxed complex scheme (RCS). Of the 27 top hits reported,
half ranked very poorly if only crystal structures are used. These
compounds target the catalytic cavity as well as the newly identified
150- and 430-cavities, which exhibit dynamic properties in electrostatic
surface and geometric shape. This ensemble-based VS and RCS approach may
offer improvement over existing strategies for structure-based drug
One-Bead Coarse-Grained Models for ProteinsValentina Tozzini and J. Andrew McCammonIn "Coarse-graining of Condensed Phase and Biomolecular Systems," G.A. Voth, Ed., CRC Press, Ch. 19, pp. 285-298 (2008)
size scale of 10-100 nm or more, including the cell membranes) and occur
on a time scale of microseconds to milliseconds (or even hours to days,
including folding and amyloid aggregation, for instance). Computer
simulations based on atomic force fields are not yet able to reach these
scales, since they are currently restricted in most cases to systems
comprising fewer than a million atoms for times of less than 1 μs. In
consideration of these facts, the idea of simplifying the description of
a macromolecular system by including groups of atoms in a single
interaction center (coarse-graining, CG) in order to reduce the number
of interanal degrees of freedom and, with them, the computational cost,
is quite simple and somewhat natural, even considering the hierarchical
structural organization of the proteins and nucleic acids.
Acetylcholinesterase: mechanisms of covalent inhibition of H447I mutant determined by computational analysesY.H. Cheng, X.L. Cheng, Z. Radi&Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol. 175, Issues 1-3, pp. 196-199 (2008) [PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18657802]PubMed: 18657802
The reaction mechanisms of two inhibitor TFK
+ and
0 binding to H447I mutant mouse acetylcholinesterase
(mAChE) have been investigated by using a combined
ab initio
quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) approach and classical
molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. TFK
+ binding to the
H447I mutant may proceed with a different reaction mechanism from the
wild type. A water molecule takes over the role of His447 and
participates in the bond breaking and forming as a "charge relayer".
Unlike in the wild-type mAChE case, Glu334, a conserved residue from the
catalytic triad, acts as a catalytic base in the reaction. The
calculated energy barrier for this reaction is about 8 kcal/mol. These
predictions await experimental verification. In the case of the neutral
ligand TFK
0, however, multiple MD simulations on the
0/H447I complex reveal that none of the water molecules
can be retained in the active site as a "catalytic" water. Taken
together our computational studies confirm that TFK
0 is
almost inactive in the H447I mutant, and also provide detailed
mechanistic insights into the experimental observations.
Hot-spot residues at the E9/Im9 interface help binding via different mechanismsSergio E. Wong, Riccardo Baron and J. Andrew McCammonBiopolymers, Vol. 89, Issue 11, pp. 916-920 (2008) [PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18546205]PubMed: 18546205
Protein-protein association involves many interface interactions, but
they do not contribute equally. Ala scanning experiments reveal that
only a few mutations significantly lower binding affinity. These key
residues, which appear to drive protein-protein association, are called
hot-spot residues. Molecular dynamics simulations of the Colicin E9/Im9
complex show Im9 Glu41 and Im9 Ser50, both hot-spots, bind via different
mechanisms. The results suggest Im9 Ser50 restricts Glu41 in a
conformation auspicious for salt-bridge formation across the interface.
This type of model may be helpful in engineering hot-spot clusters at
protein-protein interfaces and, consequently, the design of specificity.
Water-membrane partition thermodynamics of an amphiphilic lipopeptide: An enthalpy-driven hydrophobic effectAlemayehu A. Gorfe, Riccardo Baron and J. Andrew McCammonBiophysical Journal, Vol. 95, Issue 7, pp. 3269-3277 (2008) [PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18621822]PubMed: 18621822
To shed light on the driving force for the hydrophobic effect that
partitions amphiphilic lipoproteins between water and membrane, we
carried out an atomically-detailed thermodynamic analysis of a triply
lipid modified H-ras heptapeptide (ANCH) in water and in a DMPC bilayer.
Combining molecular mechanical and continuum solvent approaches with an
improved technique for solute entropy calculation, we obtained an
overall transfer free energy of ~ -13 kcal/mol. This value is in
qualitative agreement with free energy changes derived from a potential
of mean force calculation and indirect experimental observations.
Changes in free energies of solvation and ANCH conformational
reorganization are unfavorable while ANCH-DMPC interactions –
especially van der Waals – favor insertion. These results are
consistent with an enthalpy-driven hydrophobic effect, in accord with
earlier calorimetric data on the membrane partition of other
amphiphiles. Furthermore, structural and entropic analysis of molecular
dynamics (MD)-generated ensembles suggests that conformational selection
may play a hitherto unappreciated role in membrane insertion of
lipid-modified peptides and proteins.
Intrinsic free energy of the conformational transition of the KcsA signature peptide from conducting to non-conducting stateIlja V. Khavrutskii, Mikolai Fajer and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 1541-1554 (2008) [PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20357907]PubMed: 20357907
We explore a conformational transition of the TATTVGYG signature peptide
of the KcsA ion selectivity filter and its GYG to AYA mutant from the
conducting α-strand state into the non-conducting pII-like state
using a novel technique for multidimensional optimization of transition
path ensembles and free energy calculations. We find that the wild type
peptide, unlike the mutant, intrinsically favors the conducting state
due to G77 backbone propensities and additional hydrophobic interaction
between the V76 and Y78 sidechains in water. The molecular mechanical
free energy profiles in explicit water are in very good agreement with
the corresponding adiabatic energies from the Generalized Born Molecular
Volume (GBMV) implicit solvent model. However comparisons of the
energies to higher level B3LYP/6-31G(d) Density Functional Theory
calculations with Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM) suggest that the
non-conducting state might be more favorable than predicted by molecular
mechanics simulations. By extrapolating the single peptide results to
the tetrameric channel, we propose a novel hypothesis for the ion
selectivity mechanism.
Thermodynamics of Peptide Insertion and Aggregation in a Lipid BilayerArneh Babakhani, Alemayehu A. Gorfe, Judy E. Kim and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 112, No. 34, pp. 10528-10534 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18681475]A variety of biomolecules mediate physiological processes by inserting
and reorganizing in cell membranes, and the thermodynamic forces
responsible for their partitioning are of great interest. Recent
experiments provided valuable data on the free energy changes associated
with the transfer of individual amino acids from water to membrane.
However, a complete picture of the pathways and the associated changes
in energy of peptide insertion into a membrane remains elusive. To this
end, computational techniques supplement the experimental data with
atomic-level details and shed light on the energetics of insertion.
Here, we employed the technique of umbrella sampling in a total 850 ns
of all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to study the free energy
profile and the pathway of insertion of a model hexapeptide consisting
of a tryptophan and five leucines (WL5). The computed free energy
profile of the peptide as it travels from bulk solvent through the
membrane core exhibits two minima: a local minimum at the water-membrane
interface or the head group region; and a global minimum at the
hydrophobic-hydrophilic interface close to the lipid glycerol region. A
rather small barrier of roughly 1 kcal/mol exists at the membrane core,
which is explained by the enhanced flexibility of the peptide when
deeply-inserted. Combining our results with those in the literature, we
present a thermodynamic model for peptide insertion and aggregation
which involves peptide aggregation upon contact with the membrane at the
solvent-lipid head group interface.
Coupling Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Methods with Thermodynamic Integration SimulationsCésar Augusto F. de Oliveira, Donald Hamelberg and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 1516-1525 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 19461868]In this work we propose a straightforward and efficient approach to
improve accuracy and convergence of free energy simulations in
condensed-phase systems. We also introduce a new accelerated Molecular
Dynamics (MD) approach in which molecular conformational transitions are
accelerated by lowering the energy barriers while the potential surfaces
near the minima are left unchanged. All free energy calculations were
performed on the propane-to-propane model system. The accuracy of free
energy simulations was significantly improved when sampling of internal
degrees of freedom of solute was enhanced. However, accurate and
converged results were only achieved when the solvent interactions were
taken into account in the accelerated MD approaches. The analysis of the
distribution of boost potential along the free energy simulations showed
that the new accelerated MD approach samples efficiently both low- and
high-energy regions of the potential surface. Since this approach also
maintains substantial populations in regions near the minima, the
statistics are not compromised in the thermodynamic integration
calculations, and, as a result, the ensemble average can be recovered.
Molecular dynamics of a κB DNA element: base flipping via cross-strand intercalative stacking in a microsecond-scale simulationCameron Mura and J. Andrew McCammonNucleic Acids Research, Vol. 36, No. 15, pp. 4941-4955 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18653524]The sequence-dependent structural variability and conformational
dynamics of DNA play pivotal roles in many biological milieus, such as
in the site-specific binding of transcription factors to target
regulatory elements. To better understand DNA structure, function, and
dynamics in general, and protein-DNA recognition in the κB family
of genetic regulatory elements in particular, we performed molecular
dynamics simulations of a 20-bp DNA encompassing a cognate κB site
recognized by the proto-oncogenic 'c-Rel' subfamily of NF-κB
transcription factors. Simulations of the κB DNA in explicit water
were extended to microsecond duration, providing a broad, atomically
detailed glimpse into the structural and dynamical behavior of double
helical DNA over many timescales. Of particular note, novel (and
structurally plausible) conformations of DNA developed only at the long
times sampled in this simulation -- including a peculiar state arising
at ~0.7 μs and characterized by cross-strand intercalative stacking
of nucleotides within a longitudinally sheared base pair, followed (at
~1 μs) by spontaneous base flipping of a neighboring thymine within
the A-rich duplex. Results and predictions from the microsecond-scale
simulation include implications for a dynamical NF-κB recognition
motif, and are amenable to testing and further exploration via specific
experimental approaches that are suggested herein.
Replica Exchange Accelerated Molecular Dynamics (REXAMD) Applied to Thermodynamic IntegrationMikolai Fajer, Donald Hamelberg and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Vol. 4, No. 10, pp. 1565-1569 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 19461870]Accelerated molecular dynamics (AMD) is an efficient strategy for
accelerating the sampling of molecular dynamics simulations, and
observable quantities such as free energies derived on the biased AMD
potential can be reweighted to yield results consistent with the
original, unmodified potential. In conventional AMD the reweighting
procedure has an inherent statistical problem in systems with large
acceleration, where the points with the largest biases will dominate the
reweighted result and reduce the effective number of data points. We
propose a replica exchange of various degrees of acceleration (REXAMD)
to retain good statistics while achieving enhanced sampling. The REXAMD
method is validated and benchmarked on two simple gas-phase model
systems, and two different strategies for computing reweighted averages
over a simulation are compared.
Similar Membrane Affinity of Mono- and Di-S-acylated Ras Membrane Anchors: A New Twist in the Role of Protein LipidationAlemayehu A. Gorfe and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 130, No. 38, pp. 12624-12625 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18761454]The functionally required membrane attachment of Ras is achieved through
an invariant isoprenylation of a C-terminal Cys, supplemented by further
lipid modification of adjacent Cys residues by one (N-ras) or two
(H-ras) palmitoyls. However, whether the triply lipidated membrane
anchor of H-ras has a higher membrane affinity than its doubly lipidated
counterpart, or whether the affinity contribution of the two palmitates
and the farnesyl is additive, was not known. To address this issue, we
carried out potential of mean force (PMF or free energy profile)
calculations on a hexadecylated but nonpalmitoylated anchor (Cys186-HD),
hexadecylated and monopalmitoylated anchors (Cys181-monopalmitate and
Cys184-monopalmitate), and a nonlipid-modified anchor. We found that the
overall insertion free energy follows the trend
Cys181/Cys184-bipalmitate (wild type) ≈ Cys181-monopalmitate >
Cys184-monopalmitate >> nonpalmitoylated anchor. Consistent with
suggestions from recent cell biological experiments, the computed PMFs,
coupled with structural analysis, demonstrate that membrane affinity of
the Ras anchor depends on both the hydrophobicity of the palmitate and
the prenyl groups and the spacing between them. The data further suggest
that while Cys181-palmitate and Cys186-farnesyl together provide
sufficient hydrophobic force for tight membrane binding, the palmitoyl
at Cys184 is likely designed to serve another, presumably functional,
Diffusional Channeling in the Sulfate Activating Complex: Combined Continuum Modeling and Coarse-grained Brownian Dynamics StudiesYuhui Cheng, Chia-en A. Chang, Zeyun Yu, Yongjie Zhang, Meihao Sun, Thomas S. Leyh, Michael J. Holst and J. Andrew McCammonBiophysical Journal, Vol. 95, No. 10, pp. 4659-4667 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18689458]Enzymes required for sulfur metabolism have been suggested to gain
effciency by restricted diffusion ("channeling") of an intermediate
2- between active sites. This article describes modeling
of the whole channeling process by numerical solution of the
Smoluchowski diffusion equation, as well as by coarse-grained Brownian
dynamics. The results suggest that electrostatics plays an essential
role in the APS
2- channeling. Furthermore, with
coarse-grained Brownian dynamics, the substrate channeling process has
been studied with reactions in multiple active sites. Our simulations
provide a bridge for numerical modeling with Brownian dynamics to
simulate the complicated reaction and diffusion and raise important
questions relating to the electrostatically mediated substrate
in vitro,
in situ and
E9-Im9 Colicin DNase-Immunity Protein Biomolecular Association in Water: A Multiple-Copy and Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Simulation StudyRiccardo Baron, Sergio E. Wong, César A.F. de Oliveira and J. Andrew McCammonJournal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 112, No. 51, pp. 16802-16814 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 19053689]Protein-protein transient and dynamic interactions underlie all
biological processes. The molecular dynamics (MD) of the E9 colicin
DNase protein, its Im9 inhibitor protein, and their E9-Im9 recognition
complex are investigated by combining multiple-copy (MC) MD and
accelerated MD (aMD) explicit-solvent simulation approaches, after
validation with crystalline-phase and solution experiments. Im9 shows
higher flexibility than its E9 counterpart. Im9 displays a significant
reduction of backbone flexibility and increase in motional correlation
upon E9 association. Im9 loops 23-31 and 54-64 open with respect to the
E9-Im9 X-ray structure and show high conformational diversity. Upon
association a large fraction (~20 nm2) of E9 and Im9 protein surfaces
become inaccessible to water. Numerous salt bridges transiently
occurring throughout our six 50-ns long MC-MD simulations are not
present in the X-ray model. Among these Im9 Glu31–E9 Arg96 and Im9
Glu41–Lys89 involve interface interactions. Using 10-ns of Im9 aMD
simulation we reconcile the largest thermodynamic impact measured for
Asp51Ala mutation with Im9 structure and dynamics. Lys57 acts as an
essential molecular switch to shift Im9 surface loop towards an ideal
configuration for E9 inhibition. This is achieved by switching
Asp60–Lys57 and Asp62–Lys57 hydrogen bonds to
Asp51–Lys57 salt bridge. E9-Im9 recognition involves shifts of
conformational distributions, re-organization of intra-molecular
hydrogen bond patterns, and formation of new inter- and intra-molecular
interactions. The description of key transient biological interactions
can be significantly enriched by the dynamic and atomic-level
information provided by computer simulations.
Three-Dimensional Geometric Modeling of Membrane-bound Organelles in Ventricular Myocytes: Bridging the Gap between Microscopic Imaging and Mathematical SimulationZeyun Yu, Michael J. Holst, Takeharu Hayashi, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Mark H. Ellisman, J. Andrew McCammon and Masahiko HoshijimaJournal of Structural Biology, Vol. 164, Issue 3, pp. 304-313 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18835449]A general framework of image-based geometric processing is presented to
bridge the gap between three-dimensional (3D) imaging that provides
structural details of a biological system and mathematical simulation
where high-quality surface or volumetric meshes are required. A 3D
density map is processed in the order of image pre-processing (contrast
enhancement and anisotropic filtering), feature extraction (boundary
segmentation and skeletonization), and high-quality and realistic
surface (triangular) and volumetric (tetrahedral) mesh generation. While
the tool-chain described is applicable to general types of 3D imaging
data, the performance is demonstrated specifically on membrane-bound
organelles in ventricular myocytes that are imaged and reconstructed
with electron microscopic (EM) tomography and two-photon microscopy
(T-PM). Of particular interest in this study are two types of
membrane-bound Ca
2+-handling organelles, namely, transverse
tubules (T-tubules) and junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (jSR), both of
which play an important role in regulating the excitation-contraction
(E-C) coupling through dynamic Ca
2+ mobilization in
Discovery of drug-like inhibitors of an essential RNA-editing ligase in Trypanosoma bruceiRommie E. Amaro, Achim Schnaufer, Heidrun Interthal, Wim Hol, Kenneth D. Stuart and J. Andrew McCammonProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Vol. 105, No. 45, pp. 17278-17283 (2008) [PubMed PubMed: 18981420]Trypanosomatid RNA editing is a unique process and essential for these
organisms. It therefore represents a drug target for a group of protozoa
that includes the causative agents for African sleeping sickness and
other devastating tropical and subtropical diseases. Here, we present
drug-like inhibitors of a key enzyme in the editing machinery,
RNA-editing ligase 1 (REL1). These inhibitors were identified through a
strategy employing molecular dynamics to account for protein
flexibility. A virtual screen of the REL1 crystal structure against the
National Cancer Institute Diversity Set was performed by using
AutoDock4. The top 30 compounds, predicted to interact with REL1's
ATP-binding pocket, were further refined by using the relaxed complex
scheme (RCS), which redocks the compounds to receptor structures
extracted from an explicitly solvated molecular dynamics trajectory. The
resulting reordering of the ligands and filtering based on drug-like
properties resulted in an initial recommended set of 8 ligands, 2 of
which exhibited micromolar activity against REL1. A subsequent
hierarchical similarity search with the most active compound over the
full National Cancer Institute database and RCS rescoring resulted in an
additional set of 6 ligands, 2 of which were confirmed as REL1
inhibitors with IC
50 values of ≈1 μM. Tests of the 3
most promising compounds against the most closely related bacteriophage
T4 RNA ligase 2, as well as against human DNA ligase IIIβ,
indicated a considerable degree of selectivity for RNA ligases. These
compounds are promising scaffolds for future drug design and discovery
efforts against these important pathogens.