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A Course in Modern Analysis | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
A Course in Statistical Mechanics | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 7 Borrowed by ghuber on 2016-01-15 08:19:24 |
A Destroying angel the conquest of smallpox in colonial boston | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
A First Course in Numerical Analysis | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
A Guide to Biomolecular Simulations | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Molecular dynamics simulations have become instrumental in replacing our view of proteins as relatively rigid structures with the realization that they were dynamic systems, whose internal motions play a functional role. Over the years, such simulations have become a central part of biophysics. Applications of molecular dynamics in biophysics range over many areas. They are used in the structure determination of macromolecules with x-ray and NMR data, the modelling of unknown structures from their sequence, the study of enzyme mechanisms, the estimation of ligand-binding free energies, the evaluation of the role of conformational change in protein function, and drug design for targets of known structures.
The widespread application of molecular dynamics and related methodologies suggests that it would be useful to have available an introductory self-contained course by which students with a relatively limited background in chemistry, biology and computer literacy, can learn the fundamentals of the field. This Guide to Biomolecular Simulations tries to fill this need. The Guide consists of six chapters which provide the fundamentals of the field and six chapters which introduce the reader to more specialized but important applications of the methodology.
A Guide to First-Passage Processes | Status: Available Location: Shelf 3 |
A Handbook of Computational Chemistry, A Practical Guide to Chemical Structure and Energy Calculations | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
A History of Science | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
A Pictorial History, Views of the Cell | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Advanced Calculus | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Advanced Calculus, An Introduction to Analysis | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Advanced Quantum Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Advice to a Young Scientist | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Advisor, Teacher, Role Model, Friend | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
An Introduction of Dynamics of Colloids | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Some of the topics covered include:
• diffusion of free particles on the basis of the Langevin equation
•the separation of time, length and angular scales;
• the fundamental Fokker-Planck and Smoluchowski equations derived for interacting particles
• friction of spheres and rods, and hydrodynamic interaction of spheres (including three body interactions)
• diffusion, sedimentation, critical phenomena and phase separation kinetics
• experimental light scattering results.
For universities and research departments in industry this textbook makes vital reading.
An Introduction to Error Analysis, The study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
An introduction to Genetic Analysis, 4th edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
An Introduction to Information Theory | Status: Available Location: Shelf 3 |
An Introduction to Special relativity | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
An Introduction to Thermodynamics, the Kinetic Theory of Gases and Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
An Outline of Organitic Chemistry, Problems and Answers | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Analytical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Angular Momentum, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry, Volume 1 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organtic Compounds | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Applied Matrix and Tensor Analysis | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Applied Physical Pharmarcy | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Applied Probability Models | Status: Available Location: Shelf 3 |
Atoms & Molecules: An Introduction For Students of Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Basic Chemical Thermodynamics, Fourth Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Basic Principles of Organtic Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Basic Theory of Lasers and Masers, A density matrix approach | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Biological Physics, Energy, Information, Life | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Biology, the science of life | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Biophysical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Biophysical Chemistry Part I: The conformation of biological macromolecules | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Biophysical Chemistry Part I: The conformation of biological macromolecules | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Biophysical Chemistry Part I: The conformation of biological macromolecules | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Biophysical Chemistry Part I: The conformation of biological macromolecules | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Biophysical Chemistry Part II: Techniques for the study of biological structure and function | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Biophysical Chemistry Part III: The behavior of biological molecules | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Biophysical Chemistry, Implicit solvent models for biomolecular simulations | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Biophysical Chemistry, Principles, Techniques,and Applications | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Boundry Integral and Singularity Methods for Linearized Viscous Flow | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Calculus on Manifolds | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Thrid Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Cartesian Tensors | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Catalyzing Inquiry at the Interface of Computing and Biology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Cecam Workshop, Models for Protein Dynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Cell Biology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Cell Biology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Chemical Kinetics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Chemical Physics Dissipative Dynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Chemical Thermodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Classical Electrodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Classical Electrodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Classical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
College Calculus with Analytical Geometery | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
College Chemistry, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Complex Variables with an introduction to Conformal Mapping and its applications | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume 25. Diffusion-Limited Reactions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry. The rational design, mechanistic study & therapeutic application of chemical compounds | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Computational Analysis of Biochemical Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Computational and Structural Approaches to Drug Discovery, Ligand-Protein interactions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Computational methods impact all aspects of modern drug discovery and most notably these methods move rapidly from academic exercises to becoming drugs in clinical trials.
This insightful book represents the experience and understanding of the global experts in the field and spotlights both the structural and medicinal chemistry aspects of drug design. The need to 'encode' the factors that determine adsorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicology are explored, as they remain the critical issues in this area of research. This indispensable resource provides the reader with:
A rich understanding of modern approaches to docking; A comparison and critical evaluation of state-of-the-art methods; Details on harnessing computational methods for both analysis and prediction; An insight into prediction potencies and protocols for unbiased evaluations of docking and scoring algorithms; Critical reviews of current fragment based methods with perceptive applications to kinases.
Addressing a wide range of uses of protein structures for drug discovery the Editors have created an essential reference for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry and moreover an indispensable core text for all graduate level courses covering molecular interactions and drug discovery.
Computational Approaches in Supramolecular Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Computational Methods for Macromolecules: Challenges and Applications | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Computational Neuroscience, Realistic Modeling for Experimentalists | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Computational Physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Computational Studies of RNA and DNA | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Computational Studies of RNA and DNA includes, in an integrated way, modern computational studies of nucleic acids, ranging from advanced electronic structure quantum chemical calculations through explicit solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations up to mesoscopic modelling, with the main focus given to the MD field. It gives an equal emphasis to the leading methods and applications while successes as well as pitfalls of the computational techniques are discussed.
The systems and problems studied include:
This book is ideally suited to academics and researchers in organic and computational chemistry as well as biochemistry and particularly those interested in the molecular modelling of nucleic acids.
Besides the state-of-the art science, the book also provides introductory information to non-specialists to enter and understand this field.
Computer Simulation of Biomolecular Systems, Theoretical and Experimental Applications | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Computer Simulation of Biomolecular Systems, Theoretical and Experimental Applications Vol. 2 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Computer Simulation of Biomolecular Systems, Theoretical and Experimental Applications Vol.3 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Computer Simulation of Liquids | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Concepts in Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
COnductions of Heat in Solids, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
CRC Concise Encylopedia of Mathematics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 28 |
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 28 |
CRC Handbook of Mathematical Sciences, 5th edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 28 |
Crystallography made crystal clear, Second edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Second edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |
Dielectric Solids | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Diffusion, Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems, Second Edition. | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Disturbing the Universe | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
DY/DX Perturbation Techniques in Mathematics, Engineering & Physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Dynamic Light Scattering, with applications to Chemistry, Biology & Physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Dynamics of Proteins and Nucleic Acids | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Electricity and Magnetism, Berkeley Physics Course, Volume 2 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Electrodynamics of Continuous Media | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Electronics for Scientists, Principles and Experiments for those who use Instruments | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Electrons in Chemical Reactions, First Principles | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Electrostatic Effects in Soft Matter and Biophysics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Electrostatic Interactions In and Between Biomolecules | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Elemental Statistical Physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Elementary Diffrential Equations and Boundry Value Problems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Elementary Numerical Analysis, An Algorithmic Approach | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
Elementary Quantum Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Elementary Theory of Angular Momentum | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Elements of the Theory of Functions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Engines, Energy and Entropy | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
English Skills with Readings third edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |
Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms | Status: Available Location: Shelf 23 |
Enzyme Structure and Mechanism | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Enzyme Structure and Mechanism | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Enzymes of the Cholinesterase family | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Erwin Schrodinger | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Erwin Schrodinger | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Erwin Schrodinger | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Erwin Schrodinger | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Erwin Schrodinger | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Erwin Schrodinger | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Experiments In Computational Organtic Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Experiments in Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure Methods, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Farady Discussions of the Chemical Society, No 83 Brownian Motion | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
First Year College Mathematics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Free Energy Calculations in Rational Drug Design | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Free Energy Calculations, Theory and Applications in Chemistry and biology | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 16 Borrowed by clee on 2017-03-02 16:00:22 |
This volume sets out to present a coherent account of the concepts that underlay different approaches devised for the determination of free energies. The reader will gain the necessary insight into the theoretical and computational foundations of the subject and will be presented with relevant applications from molecular-level modelling and simulations of chemical and biological systems. The book is aimed at a broad readership of graduate students and researchers having a background in chemistry, physics, engineering and physical biology.
From Fish to Philospher | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Functions of a Complex Variable: Theory and Technique | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Functions of Several Variables | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Fundamental Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Gas Phase Reaction Rate Theory | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
General Chemistry Workbook, Third edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
German-English Science Dictionary third edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |
Goodman & Gilmans's The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, 10th edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Visit http://www.goodmanandgilman.com for more information.
Graphs, An introduction of the uses of graphical analysis in the physics labratory | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Handbook of Mathematical Functions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 28 |
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Hemoglobin: Structure, Function, Evolution and Pathology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Henry Wellcome | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
How Animals Work | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |
Hydrodynamic, Fluctuation, Broken Symmetry, and Correlation Fuctions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Hydrodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Hydrophobic Interactions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Ideas and Opinions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Inorganic Qualitative Analysis | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Inorgantic C0060429860hemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Instructor's Solution Manual to accompany Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Intermediate Physical Chemistry, Stationary Properties of Chemical Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Intermediate Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Introduction of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Introduction of Modern Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Introduction to Electromagentics Fields and Waves | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Introduction to Magnetic Resonance | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Introduction to Magnetic Resonance with applications to chemistry and chemical physics ( Binder ) | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Introduction to Matrix Analysis, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Introduction to Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Introduction to Protein Structure, Second edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 23 |
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Introduction to Theoretical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Ionic Hydration in Chemistry and Biophysics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Kinetics for the Life Sciences, Receptors, Transmittors and catalysts | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Langenscheidt's Pocket Dictionary | Status: Available Location: Shelf 28 |
Laplace Transforms | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Lectures on Ordinary Diffrenential Equations | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Light Scattering ( Binder ) | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Linear Algebra | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Macroions in Solution and Colloidal Suspension | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Mathematical Methods for Physicists | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
Mathematical Methods For Scientists and Engineers | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
Mathematical Methods of Physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
Mathematical Physiology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Mathematical Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Mathematics for Quantum Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
MBT I | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
MBT II | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Mechanics of the Cell | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Mechanics, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Mechanics, Third Edition. Course of Theoretical Physics Volume 1 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Mechansim and Theory in Organtic Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Methods in Computational Chemistry Volume 3, Concurrent Computation in Chemical Calculations | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Methods in Enzymology, Volume 202 Molecular design modeling: Concepts and Applications Part A. Proteins, Peptides and Enzymes | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Methods of Theoretical Physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
Microhydrodynamics, Principles and Selected Applications | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 5 Borrowed by ghuber on 2015-04-20 12:58:02 |
Modern Electrochemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Modern Quantum Chemistry, Introduction to Advanced Electronic Structure Theory | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Modern Techniques in Computational Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Modern Techniques in Computational Chemistry, 1990 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Modern Theory of Polymer Solutions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Molecular Biology of The Cell | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Molecular Biology of The Cell, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Molecular Driving Forces | Status: Available Location: Shelf 28 |
Molecular Dynamics of Protein Structure | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Elementary Methods | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Molecular Fluids | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Molecular Graphics and Modeling Society 18th international meeting. Modelling biomolecular mechanism | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Molecular Modeling and Simulation, An Interdisciplinary Guide | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Molecular Reaction Dynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Molecular Structure and Dynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Molecular Theory of Capillarity | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Molecular Thermodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Molecular Vibrations, The Theory of Infrared and Raman Vibrational Spectra | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Multiplets of Transition-Metal Ions in Crystals | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Computational Approaches in Supramolecular Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Nature's robots, a history of proteins | Status: Available Location: Shelf 23 |
Nerobiology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
NMR of Proteins and Nucleic Acids | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics in Biophysics | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 13 Borrowed by huskeypm on 2014-01-13 10:49:13 |
Notes on Quantum Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Nucleic acids, structures, properties and functions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 23 |
Numerical Analysis, Fifth Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Numerical Method in Markov Chains and Bulk Queues | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
Numerical Methods | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
Numerical Recipies Example Book ( Fortran ) | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
Numerical Recipies, The Art of Scientific Computing | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
Ordering and Phase Transistions in Charged Colloids | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Ordinary Differential Equations | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Ordinary Differential Equations | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
Ordinary Differential Equations and Stability Theory: An Introduction | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Outsanding Papers in Biology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2008 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2009 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Partial Differential Equations, Theory and Technique | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
PDQ Physiology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Pharmacology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Pharmacophore, Perception, Development, and use in Drug Design | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Physical Biochemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Physical Biochemistry with Applications to the Life Sciences | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Physical Biochemistry, Applications to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Physical Biology from atoms to medicine | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
This book brings about the confluence of various concepts and tools to address significant problems of our time in physical biology and adjacent disciplines. The volume is structured to provide a broad perspective on current state-of-the-art methods and concepts at the heart of chemical and biological behavior, covering the topics of visualization; theory and computation for complexity; macromolecular function, protein folding, and protein misfolding; molecular recognition; and systems integration from cells to consciousness. The scope of tools is wide-ranging, spanning imaging, crystallography, microfluidics, single-molecule spectroscopy, and synthetic probe targeting, either molecular or by metallic particles. The perspectives are from the point of view of world leaders in physics, chemistry, and biology; and they define potential new frontiers at the interface of these disciplines, including physical, systems, and synthetic biology.
Contents: The Preoccupations of 21st-Century Biology (D Baltimore); Physical Biology: 4D Visualization of Complexity (A H Zewail); The Challenge of Quasi-Regular Structures in Biology (R D Kornberg); The Future of Biological X-ray Analysis (D C Rees); Biology by the Numbers (R Phillips); The Neurobiology of Consciousness (C Koch & F Mormann); Precision Measurements in Biology (S R Quake); Symmetry Breaking, Delocalization and Dynamics in Electron Transfer Systems (N S Hush); and other papers.
Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry and Its Biological Applications | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Physical Chemistry Part Three, Physical and Chemical Kinetics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry Source Book | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Physical Chemistry, Part One, The Structure of Matter | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry, Part two Matter in Equilibrium: Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry, Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences, Fourth Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
This best-selling volume presents the principles and applications of physical chemistry as they are used to solve problems in biology and medicine. The First Law; the Second Law; free energy and chemical equilibria; free energy and physical Equilibria; molecular motion and transport properties; kinetics: rates of chemical reactions; enzyme kinetics; the theory and spectroscopy of molecular structures and interactions: molecular distributions and statistical thermodynamics; and macromolecular structure and X-ray diffraction. For anyone interested in physical chemistry as it relates to problems in biology and medicine.
Physical Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Physical Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Chemistry, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Physical Chemistry, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Physical Chemistry, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Physical Pharmacy, Fourth edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Physicians' Desk Reference, 54th edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Physicochemical Hydrodynamics, A Introduction | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
This highly respected book emphasizes rational theory and its consequences to demonstrate the underlying unity of PCH, which allows diverse phenomena to be described in physically and mathematically similar ways. Physicochemical Hydrodynamics communicates the fundamentals while, at the same time, conveying the importance of applications of PCH to a variety of fields, including: mechanical, chemical, and environmental engineering; materials science, biotechnology, microfluidics, and fluid aspects of nanotechnology. Numerous illustrations, analogies, and examples highlight the text and help to clarify and solidify students’ and professionals’ understanding of the material.
Physics For Students of Science and Engineering | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Physics For Students of Science and Engineering, Part II | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Physics Vade Mecum | Status: Available Location: Shelf 28 |
Physics with Illustrative Exampled from Medicine and Biology, Statistical Physics, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Physics with Illustrative Examples From Medicine and Biology, Electricity and Magnetism Second edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Physics with Illustrative Examples From Medicine and Biology, Mechanics Second edition | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 5 Borrowed by huskeypm on 2014-01-13 10:49:00 |
Physiochemical Hydrodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Plain English a user's guide | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |
Polar Molecules | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Principles and Techniques of Applied Mathematics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
Principles of Computational Cell Biology, From Protein Complexes to Cellular Networks | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Principles of Linear Networks | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Principles of Magnetic Resonance | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Principles of Molecular Regulation | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Principles of Molecular Regulation | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Principles of Molecular Regulation | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Principles of Molecular Regulation | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Principles of Neural Science, Fourth Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Principles of Neural Science, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure | Status: Available Location: Shelf 23 |
Principles of Physical Biochemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
This book offers the most up-to-date look at the theory and techniques used in the study of the physical chemistry of biological and biochemical molecules. Ken van Holde is one of the leading experts in biophysical chemistry and a well-known author (he is coauthor of an introductory biochemistry book). Comprehensive coverage of all physical techniques currently used by practicing biochemists, including. Up-to-date treatment of NMR and X-ray diffraction. Comprehensive coverage of other types of spectroscopy.
Principles of Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
This easy-to-read volume, designed to bring users to a functional level of literacy in the use, practice, appreciation and execution of physical chemistry principles and methods is designed to promote understanding. The text presents all the theories and equations relevant to classical thermodynamics, quantum mechanics and bonding, spectroscopy, statistical mechanics, kinetics and dynamics. For individuals interested in mastering the basic principles and methods of physical chemistry, including chemical engineers.
Principles of the Theory of Solids, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Problems and Solutions to accompany Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Proceedings of The Robert A. Welch Foundation 38th Conference of Chemical Research Chemical Dynamics of Transient Species | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Proceedings of The Robert A. Welch Foundation. Conference on Chemical Resarch. Chemistry of the nanometer scale | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Proceedings of The Robert A. Welch Foundation. Conference on Chemical Resarch. XXXVI. Regulation of Proteins by Ligands | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Proceedings of The Robert A. Wlech Foundation. Conference on Chemical Resarch. 40 years of the DNA double helix | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Protein Crysallography | Status: Available Location: Shelf 23 |
Protein Kinases | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Proteins, Structures and Molecular Properties | Status: Available Location: Shelf 23 |
Quantitative Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
Quantum Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Quantum Chemistry, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Quantum Electrodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Quantum Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Quantum Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Quantum Mechanics In Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
Quantum Mechanics Non-Relativistic Theory, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Quantum Mechanics, Volume II | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
Quantum-Statistical Foundations of Chemical Kenetics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Rates and Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Roget A to Z Thesarus | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |
Scaling Conecpts in Polymer Physics | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 15 Borrowed by nwang on 2016-03-18 15:55:26 |
Scientific Parallel Computing | Status: Available Location: Shelf 4 |
What does Google's management of billions of Web pages have in common with analysis of a genome with billions of nucleotides? Both apply methods that coordinate many processors to accomplish a single task. From mining genomes to the World Wide Web, from modeling financial markets to global weather patterns, parallel computing enables computations that would otherwise be impractical if not impossible with sequential approaches alone. Its fundamental role as an enabler of simulations and data analysis continues an advance in a wide range of application areas.
Scientific Parallel Computing is the first textbook to integrate all the fundamentals of parallel computing in a single volume while also providing a basis for a deeper understanding of the subject. Designed for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses in the sciences and in engineering, computer science, and mathematics, it focuses on the three key areas of algorithms, architecture, languages, and their crucial synthesis in performance.
The book's computational examples, whose math prerequisites are not beyond the level of advanced calculus, derive from a breadth of topics in scientific and engineering simulation and data analysis. The programming exercises presented early in the book are designed to bring students up to speed quickly, while the book later develops projects challenging enough to guide students toward research questions in the field. The new paradigm of cluster computing is fully addressed. A supporting web site provides access to all the codes and software mentioned in the book, and offers topical information on popular parallel computing systems.
Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes | Status: Available Location: Shelf 3 |
Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes | Status: Available Location: Shelf 3 |
Simulating the Physical World, Hierachical Modeling from Quantum Mechanics to Fluid Dynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Simulation of Liquids and Solids, Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo Methods In Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Sir Isaac Newton, his life and his work | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Sir Isaac Newton, his life and his work | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Sir Isaac Newton, his life and his work | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
Solutions guide to Accompany Physical Chemistry, Third Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Solutions Manual for Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Solutions Manual for Physical Chemistry, Sixth Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Solutions Manual to Accomapny Physical Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Solutions Manual to Accompnay Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Statistical Mechanics | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 7 Borrowed by skochane on 2016-02-17 09:42:47 |
Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Statistical Mechanics Part A: Equilibrium Techniques | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Statistical Mechanics, A concise introduction for chemists | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Statistical Mechanics, Part B: Time Dependent Proceses | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Statistical Mechanics, With Selected Applications to Cooperative Phenomena in Biological and Physical Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Molecular Simulation | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 16 Borrowed by acaliman on 2016-06-22 15:54:48 |
Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics, An introduction | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Statistical Physics, 2nd Edition, Volume 5 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Statistical Physics, 3rd Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Statistical Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Statistical Thermodynamics for Chemists and Biochemists | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Stochastic Processes | Status: Available Location: Shelf 3 |
Stochastic Processes in Chemical Physics, The Master Equations | Status: Available Location: Shelf 3 |
Stochastic Processes In Physics and Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 3 |
Structural and Functional Aspects of Enzyme Catalysis | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Structural Bioinformatics, Second Edition | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 26 Borrowed by snichols on 2013-02-13 11:07:09 |
This new edition contains not only thorough updates of the advances in structural bioinformatics since publication of the first edition, but also features eleven new chapters dealing with frontier areas of high scientific impact, including: sampling and search techniques; use of mass spectrometry; genome functional annotation; and much more.
Offering detailed coverage for practitioners while remaining accessible to the novice, Structural Bioinformatics, Second Edition is a valuable resource and an excellent textbook for a range of readers in the bioinformatics and advanced biology fields.
Praise for the previous edition:
"This book is a gold mine of fundamental and practical information in an area not previously well represented in book form."
—Biochemistry and Molecular Education
"... destined to become a classic reference work for workers at all levels in structural bioinformatics...recommended with great enthusiasm for educators, researchers, and graduate students."
"...a useful and timely summary of a rapidly expanding field."
—Nature Structural Biology
"...a terrific job in this timely creation of a compilation of articles that
Structure and Dynamics in Biological Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science, A Guide to Enzyme Catalysis and Protein Folding | Status: Borrowed Location: Shelf 24 Borrowed by huskeypm on 2012-12-04 13:51:37 |
Structure in Protein Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 23 |
Structure, Dynamics and Function of Biomolecules | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Student Solution Manual to accompany Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Student/Instructor's Solutions Supplement to Accompany Physical Chemistry, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 11 |
Survival guide for Physical Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 10 |
Synapses | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Edited by W. Maxwell Cowan, Thomas C. Südhof, and Charles F. Stevens, this volume provides a comprehensive and authoritative overview of a century of research on synaptic structure and function culminating in the most recent work. Written by leading experts in the field, Synapses will be of interest to a broad range of neuroscientists, including those studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms of synaptic transmission, learning and memory, neuronal plasticity, neurotransmitters, and synaptic morphology. It will also be an essential reference for students and biomedical professionals in all areas of neuroscience.
Synaptic Transmission, Cellular and Molecular Basis | Status: Available Location: Shelf 22 |
Table of Integrals, Series and Products | Status: Available Location: Shelf 28 |
The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
The Craft of Scientific Writing Theird Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |
The Elements of Classical Thermodynamics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
The Elements of Style | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |
The Excitement and Fascination of Science | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
The Feymman Lectures on Physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume II | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume III | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
The First Three Minutes. A Modern view of the origin of the universe. | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
The Immune Response to Structurally Defined Proteins: The Lysozyme Model | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
The Liquid State of Matter: Fluids, Simple and Complex | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
The Man-Body Problem in Quantum Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 6 |
The Mathematics of Diffusion, Second Edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
The Merck Index, Twelfth edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
The Molecular Orbital Theory of Conjugated Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
The Molecular Orbital Theory of Organtic Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 12 |
The Nature of Mathematical Modeling | Status: Available Location: Shelf 2 |
The Norton History of Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
The Nuclear Overhauser Effect, Chemical applications | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
The Organic Chemistry of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
The Physical Basis of Chemistry | Status: Available Location: Shelf 9 |
The Principle of Relativity | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
The Principles of Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
The Quantum Physicists an introduction to their physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 21 |
The Structure and actions of Proteins | Status: Available Location: Shelf 23 |
The Theory of Atomic Spectra | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
The Theory of Probability | Status: Available Location: Shelf 3 |
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Theoretical Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics Volume 2: Proteins | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Theoretical Physics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Theoretical Physics, Mechanics of Particles, Rigid and Elastic Bodies, Fluids, and Heat Flows | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry, The First Forty Years | Status: Available Location: Shelf 16 |
Theory of Elasticity | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Theory of Elementary Atomic and Molecular Processes in Gasses | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Theory of Functions, Part I, Elements of the General Theory of Analytic Functions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Theory of Functions, Part II Applications and Further Development of General Theory | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Theory of Functions, Volume 1, Problems in the Elementary Theory of Functions | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Theory of Functions, Volume 11 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Theory of Simple Liquids | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Thermal Vibration in Crystallopgraphy | Status: Available Location: Shelf 14 |
Thermodynamic Network Analysis of Biological Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Thermodynamic Theory of Site-Specific Binding Processes in Biological Macromolecules | Status: Available Location: Shelf 24 |
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Thermodynamics for Chemists of Biologists | Status: Available Location: Shelf 8 |
Thermodynamics in Biology | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Students investigating drug discovery, drug delivery, and drug action will benefit from Kenneth Connors’s authoritative treatment of the fundamentals of thermodynamics as well as his attention to drug molecules and experimental considerations. An extensive appendix that reviews the mathematics needed to master the pharmacy curriculum proves an invaluable reference. Connors divides his one-of-a-kind text into three sections: Basic Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics of Physical Processes, and Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes; chapters include:
Thermodynamics need not be a mystery nor be confined to the realm of mathematical theory. Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems introduces students of pharmacy to the profound thermodynamic applications in the laboratory while also serving as a handy resource for practicing researchers.
Thermodynamics, Second edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 13 |
Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Kinetics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 7 |
Tunneling in Biological Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Tunneling in Biological Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Tunneling in Biological Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Tunneling in Biological Systems | Status: Available Location: Shelf 25 |
Ultrafast Phenomena XI | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Understanding Protein Stability | Status: Available Location: Shelf 26 |
Use and the interpretation of Labortory tests in Neurology, Third edition | Status: Available Location: Shelf 27 |
Vector & Tensor Analysis | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Vector Analysis and an Introduction to Tensor Analysis | Status: Available Location: Shelf 1 |
Vectors, Tensors and the BAsic Equations of Fluid Mechanics | Status: Available Location: Shelf 5 |
Water | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Water, A comprehensive Treatise, Volume 6 | Status: Available Location: Shelf 15 |
Webster's New Universeral Unabridged Dictionary | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |
Websters's New World College Dictionary | Status: Available Location: Shelf 29 |