iAPBS/CHARMM Interface: User Guide
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
The CHARMM/APBS interface makes most of the APBS functionality available to CHARMM users. The interface was designed as an extension to the CHARMM's PBEQ module. The CHARMM/APBS module is invoked by APBS keyword inside of the PBEQ section. The module's keywords are identical or similar to APBS keywords to allow for easy transition between the codes.
The current version of the CHARMM/APBS module supports serial execution only. Parallel capability will be added in later versions.
2 Installing the iAPBS Interface
2.1 Requirements
To compile iAPBS/CHARMM interface two packages are required:
- APBS (version 1.4 or later)
- charmm (version c41b2 or later)
2.2 Building iAPBS interface
Building of the iAPBS interface requires compilation and installation of MALOC and APBS libraries. The following describes all steps (assumes bash as login script, modify appropriately for t/csh). The instructions also assume working gcc/gfortran compilers. The use of Intel compilers is recomended for better performance of the compiled executables.
# create a build directory and cd to it, then: P=`pwd` export APBS_PREFIX=${P} git clone https://github.com/Electrostatics/apbs-pdb2pqr cd apbs-pdb2pqr git submodule init git submodule update cd $APBS_PREFIX/apbs-pdb2pqr/apbs/ mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${APBS_PREFIX} \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_DOC=OFF \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DENABLE_QUIET=ON \ -DENABLE_iAPBS=ON .. make install
These steps should build the apbs executable in ${APBS_PREFIX}/bin
and all necessary apbs and iapbs libraries in ${APBS_PREFIX}/lib
2.3 Building CHARMM/APBS module
Currently, building of CHARMM/APBS module is supported on x86_64 Linux platform only (gnu target in the CHARMM installation process). Both GNU and Intel compilers have been tested. The build process is a bit complex at this time, future releases will include more automated compilation.
cd $APBS_PREFIX # untar charmm source here cd $APBS_PREFIX/charmm export APBS_LIBDIR=$APBS_PREFIX/lib export APBS_LIB="-L${APBS_LIBDIR} -liapbs -lapbs_routines -lapbs_mg -lapbs_generic -lapbs_pmgc -lmaloc -lz" export pdir=$APBS_PREFIX/apbs-pdb2pqr/apbs/contrib/iapbs/modules/CHARMM/patches patch -p0 < $pdir/c41b2/apbs.patch patch -p0 < $pdir/c41b2/Makefile_gnu.patch patch -p0 < $pdir/c41b2/install.patch ./install.com gnu xxlarge X86_64 APBS keepf # run tests export CHARMM_EXE=$APBS_PREFIX/charmm/exec/gnu/charmm cd $APBS_PREFIX/apbs-pdb2pqr/apbs/contrib/iapbs/modules/CHARMM/examples $CHARMM_EXE < apbs_elstat.inp ./run.sh
3 Using CHARMM/APBS module
Keyword APBS inside of the PBEQ section in the CHARMM input file enters the CHARMM/APBS module. The module's keywords are as similar to the original APBS keywords as possible. However, there are several exceptions. Please read the following section carefully and also take a look at the Examples section of this User's Guide.
The following table lists all CHARMM/APBS keywords with their description. The left side of the table also lists corresponding APBS keywords which CHARMM/APBS keywords mimic very closely. For detailed discussion of APBS keywords please see APBS documentation.
3.1 CHARMM/APBS Module Keywords
APBS keyword | CHARMM/APBS keyword | Description |
APBS | Enters the APBS module | |
mg-auto | MGAUTO | Automatically-configured sequential focusing |
multigrid calculation | ||
mg-para | MGPARA | Automatically-configured parallel focusing |
multigrid calculation | ||
mg-manual | MGMANUAL | Manually-configured multigrid calculation |
lpbe/npbe | LPBE/NPBE | Linear/full Poisson-Boltzmann equation |
bcfl | BCFL [1] | Boundary condition method: 0: zero; 1: sdh; 2: |
mdh; 4: focus | ||
srfm | SRFM [1] | Surface calculation method: 0: mol; 1: smol; 2: spl2 |
pdie | PDIE [2.0] | Solute dielectric |
sdie | SDIE [78.54] | Solvent dielectric |
sdens | SDENS [10.0] | Vacc sphere density |
srad | SRAD [1.4] | Solvent radius |
swin | SWIN [0.3] | Cubic spline window |
temp | TEMP [298.15] | Temperature (in K) |
gamma | GAMMA [0.105] | Surface tension for apolar energies/forces |
(in kJ/mol/A2) | ||
chgm | CHGM [1] | Charge discretization method: 0: spl0; 1: spl2 |
calcenergy | CALCE [1] | Energy calculation flag: 0: Do not perform |
energy calculation; 1: Calculate total energy only; 2: Calculate | ||
per-atom energy components | ||
calcforce | CALCF [0] | Atomic forces calculation: 0: Do not perform |
force calculation; 1: Calculate total force only; 2: Calculate | ||
per-atom force components | ||
write pot | WPOT | Writes electrostatic potential data to |
iapbs-pot.dx in DX format | ||
write charge | WCHG | Writes charge data to iapbs-charge.dx in DX format |
write smol | WSMOL | Writes molecular surface data to iapbs-smol.dx |
in DX format | ||
write kappa | WKAPPA | Writes the ion-accessibility kappa map to |
iapbs-kappa.dx in DX format | ||
write diel | WDIEL | Writes dielectric maps to iapbs-diel[x,y,z].dx |
in DX format | ||
read charge | RCHG | Reads charge data from iapbs-charge.dx in DX format |
read kappa | RKAPPA | Reads the ion-accessibility kappa map from |
iapbs-kappa.dx in DX format | ||
read diel | RDIEL | Reads dielectric maps from iapbs-diel[x,y,z].dx |
in DX format | ||
ionq | IONQ{1 | 2} | Counterion charges (in e) |
ionc | IONC{1 | 2} | Counterion concentrations (in M) |
ionr | IONR{1 | 2} | Counterion radii (in A) |
dime | DIMX [65] DIMY [65] DIMZ [65] | Grid dimensions (in x, y and z) |
cmeth | CMET [1] | Centering method: 0: Center on a point 1: Center |
on a molecule | ||
center | CNTX CNTY CNTZ | Grid center if CMET 0 |
ccmeth | CCME [1] | Coarse grid centering method: 0: Center on a |
point 1: Center on a molecule | ||
ccenter | CCNX CCNY CCNZ | Coarse grid center if CCME 0 |
fcmeth | FCME [1] | Fine grid centering method: 0: Center on a point |
1: Center on a molecule | ||
fcenter | FCNX FCNY FCNZ | Fine grid center if FCME 0 |
grid | GRDX GRDY GRDZ | Grid spacings |
glen | GLNX GLNY GLNZ | Grid side lengths |
cglen | CGLX CGLY CGLZ | Coarse grid side lengths |
fglen | FGLX FGLY FGLZ | Fine grid side lengths |
pdime | PDIX PDIY PDIZ | Grid of processors to be used in calculation |
ofrac | OFRA [0.1] | Overlap fraction between processors |
DEBUG [0] | Debuging flag | |
UPDATE [1] | How often are solvation forces calculated during | |
minimization or MD. Defaults to 1 which means solvation forces | ||
are updated every step. | ||
UMETHOD [1] | Method by which are solvation forces updated, when | |
using UPDATE keyword. 0: no solvation forces are included | ||
between updates 1: forces from previous APBS calculation are | ||
used between updates | ||
SFORCE | Requests calculation of solvation forces (this keyword | |
must be present when doing MD or minimization with APBS | ||
calculated solvation forces). |
- Values in square brackets [] are defaults.
- To disable creation of io.mc file before attempting any extensive minimization or MD simulation with the APBS module please set the
environment variable to/dev/null
(export MCSH_HOME=/dev/null
).- Each occurrence of the APBS keyword triggers APBS calculation. This not may be desirable in all cases, for example when setting up a molecular dynamics simulation with APBS calculated solvation forces. In such a case keyword SKIP in the APBS section will prevent from starting APBS calculation, the section will just initialize all APBS parameters. The actual APBS calculation will be performed when DYNAMICS section starts the simulation.
- When the SFORCE keyword is specified the APBS calculation is initialized (all parameters are set) with the APBS keyword inside of the PBEQ section but the actual electrostatic calculation starts during minimization or MD step.
- When performing solvation forces calculation, for example during minimization or molecular dynamics, the keywords SRFM and CHGM must be both set to 2. Also, no counterions must be present.
4 Examples of using the CHARMM/APBS module
The following examples demonstrate how APBS functionality can be used from within CHARMM. Using CHARMM/APBS module is very similar to using the PBEQ module so examples provided for the PBEQ module can be easily adapted for CHARMM/APBS. The example files are located in CHARMM/examples in iAPBS distribution directory.
4.1 Solvation energy calculation
This example executes a solvation energy calculation and prints out total solvation energy for the given molecule.
* sp_elstat.inp * external files: top_all22_prot.inp, par_all22_prot.inp and radius.str * !if ?apbs .ne. 1 then stop stream datadir.def open read card unit 11 name @0top_all22_prot.inp read rtf card unit 11 close unit 11 open read card unit 11 name @0par_all22_prot.inp read para card unit 11 close unit 11 ... read in or generate structure coor orient scalar charge show PBEQ stream @0radius.str set factor 0.939 set sw 0.4 scalar wmain add @sw scalar wmain mult @factor scalar wmain set 0.0 sele type H* end scalar wmain show APBS mgauto lpbe dimx 65 dimy 65 dimz 65 - cglx 30 cgly 30 cglz 30 fglx 15 fgly 15 fglz 15 - srfm 2 debug 1 - calcene 1 calcforce 1 sforce - sele all END END skip all excl pbelec pbnp ener set elstatenergy = ?ENPB set apolarEN = ?ENNP stop
4.2 Molecular dynamics in implicit solvent using APBS
This examples shows how to use the CHARMM/APBS module for performing molecular dynamics simulation in implicit solvent with APBS.
* md.inp * external files: top_all22_prot.inp, par_all22_prot.inp and radius.str * if ?apbs .ne. 1 then stop stream datadir.def open read card unit 11 name @0top_all22_prot.inp read rtf card unit 11 close unit 11 open read card unit 11 name @0par_all22_prot.inp read para card unit 11 close unit 11 ... read in or generate structure coor orient PBEQ set factor 0.939 set sw 0.4 stream @0radius.str scalar wmain add @sw scalar wmain mult @factor scalar wmain set 0.0 sele type H* end APBS mgauto lpbe - grdx 0.5 grdy 0.5 grdz 0.5 - swin @sw srfm 2 - calcene 2 calcfor 2 debug 0 - sforce - sele all END END skip none dynamics leap verlet strt nstep 150 timestep 0.001 - firstt 100.0 finalt 300.0 teminc 100.0 - twindh 10.0 stop
4.3 Calculation and visualization of electrostatic potential
When this input file is run three DX files will be created. These can be visualized using several applications (for details please see APBS visualization guide). The DX files will be iapbs-pot.dx, iapbs-smol.dx and iapbs-charge.dx which will contain electrostatic potential, solvent accessible surface and charge information, respectively.
* visualization.inp * external files: top_all22_prot.inp, par_all22_prot.inp and radius.str * !if ?apbs .ne. 1 then stop stream datadir.def open read card unit 11 name @0top_all22_prot.inp read rtf card unit 11 close unit 11 open read card unit 11 name @0par_all22_prot.inp read para card unit 11 close unit 11 ... read in or generate structure coor orient PBEQ stream @0radius.str set factor 0.939 set sw 0.4 scalar wmain add @sw scalar wmain mult @factor scalar wmain set 0.0 sele type H* end scalar wmain show APBS mgauto lpbe dimx 65 dimy 65 dimz 65 - cglx 30 cgly 30 cglz 30 fglx 15 fgly 15 fglz 15 - calcene 1 calcforce 0 - ionq1 1.0 ionc1 0.15 ionr1 2.0 ionq2 -1.0 ionc2 0.15 ionr2 2.0 - wpot wsmol wchg - debug 1 - sele all END END set elstatenergy = ?ENPB
To determine the correct size of the numerical grid enveloping the studied molecule (parameters
) you can usepsize.py
tool from the APBS distribution.