Gallery of Biomolecular Simulations

[ AChE hydration properties ]

This figure shows the distribution of water sites around acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and the paths that waters take between these sites (a). A zoomed-in view (b) illustrates the water sites within the gorge that leads to the active site. Coloring of the waters at a particular site corresponds to the relative residence times at that site (red = shortest, blue = longest).

[1] Structural and dynamic properties of water around acetylcholinesterase. Prot. Sci., 11, p. 2080-2090, 2002
Henchman, R.H. and J.A. McCammon
[2] Properties of water molecules in the active site gorge of acetylcholinesterase from computer simulation. Biophys. J., 82, p. 2671-2682. (2002)
Henchman, R.H., K. Tai, T. Shen, and J.A. McCammon

For more information on the AChE work described here, please contact Richard Henchman.

McCammon Group, UCSD (
Created by Cameron Mura on Sat Jun 7 17:55:12 PDT 2003.
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